shuna lydon

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Member since 03/2005

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19 April 2005


Shuna -

What an AWESOME post - I think you've really captured the spirit of the food blogosphere -it's amazing how LITTLE of that backstabbing and nitpicking really goes on.


Backstabbing, nitpicking & troublemaking! Ah, the good ol' days. At least I still have troublemaking to keep me busy. You're welcome Shuna.
I had a little bite of meat last night, made me giddy.

Senior Biggles

Welcome! I'm newish too, but you are so right how everybody has been kind. I was surprised at the openness of the food blogging community.

Hope to make your next knife skills class, I'll have to miss this upcoming one because crazy Bay Area people are throwing tortillas, drinking from kegs and walking 7 miles for the Bay To Breakers and I CAN'T MISS THAT! Hope to meet you soon.


Is there still room in your May 15th class? Will you drop me an email and let me know?

Shuna. Your popularity is deserved - you have added a new and fresh voice to our community. We are hungry for every word you have to say. We should actually be thanking you for sharing some of the secrets of the restaurant kitchen with us and for educating us so well.

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