shuna lydon

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04 April 2005


Hey Shuna,

I think you did better than I. I used my GUANCIALE to stuff a beef tri-tip roast. The temperature wasn't high enough to render much of the pork cheek, ya know. I have to say though, the gravy I got from that setup was worth the trip. YEAH !!

i have been reading about the old pig jowels here and there for a while now and am completely tempted to try them. But how the hell am I supposed to buy them, when I can't even pronounce their name!

Shuna, it's nice to see someone else get as excited about greens as my husband. It doesn't matter what green, mustard, kale, polk, you name it, he loves them. Now add some of the Guanciale and I think we've replicated heaven.

I just cut into our most recent batch and it was damn good. We've got our own bacon on the menu now but I'm not always up for the smokey taste. The guanicale I'm always ready for.

We serve a lot of greens also, although in deference to our clientele we keep the veggies vegetarian. I do add some to my own however.

Guanciale is from "guancia" (pronounced "GWAN-cha") meaning "cheek" in Italian. If you can find them fresh, curing them is pretty easy--a few days under kosher salt, some sugar, cracked peppercorns, and whatever additional flavor you like--I used some thyme. Then hang in a cool place until you want to use it. (It isn't smoked like American bacon, just salt cured like prosciutto.) It's the traditional basis for pasta all'Amatriciana. I find Niman's version doesn't have enough streaks of lean meat--if I don't want to bother curing it myself, I order from

which is run by Mario Batali's dad. Excellent product.

(Hi Shuna--met you earlier at Amanda's going away party. Nice blog!)

Why the profanity? Ya think the article would have been just as effective if the expletives were left out? If your answer is no, then you need to go back to cooking school and learn how to make manners!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...jowl (rhymes with 'pole' here in SE Indiana...but these folks here love them some pig, so I don't try to correct them)!
This bit of cheeky goodness is a wonderment.
Ever since my sweetheart turned me on to jowl bacon, I just can't go back to belly...okay, I do, slut that I am, but only in desperation.
After reading about guanciale, I'm gonna have to find myself some fresh jowl and learn how to 'save face', Italian style!

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