shuna lydon

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25 April 2005


Wow! A Passover Devil's food cake! Did you use Matzah cake meal? Care to post the recipe? Please?

Thanks for sharing, Shuna. It's so much fun to see how different seder can be for every family.


I am sorry to say that I made a leavened cake. I was trying to say that we are not at all observant except that we are observing our own personal family's tradition of food items.
My grandmother said to me last night, "You know it was so wonderful to eat the dishes that I used to make!"
And for me this summed up why we formed the meal the way we did.

Hi Shuna,
I just love your blog. Your Passover sounds fun, something that I don't usually associate with the holiday after enduring those eternal seders as a kid. Thanks for sharing, and thanks also for posting the very first comment on my blog!

But kasha varnishkes? On Passover?? Sounds like you had a great family time, though, and loved the post. Check out some more Passover musings over on Adventures of the Pie Queen, too!

I love kasha and kasha varnishkes. I've had trouble getting the kasha to come out tender without reducing it to mush. Any suggestions?


I have emailed my aunt who may shed light on this deelish recipe as I did not make it. It is really light, nutty and flavourful and I look forward to understanding how that works myself!


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