shuna lydon

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02 April 2005


do you have any leftovers?

my fingers are crossed for you x

Yum! And I hope you get the job, with desserts like those you certainly deserve it. The rhubarb and goat yoghurt granita sounds the best to me, but I'm a sucker for rhubarb anything (and the granita sounds a bit like the creme fraiche gelato I love so much). Which was your favorite of the three? Will any of these become new "standards" of yours?

Sounds as though you'll do okay I suppose. AHHAHHAHHAHH, dang. You need a larger kitchen at home so you can have some theatre seats installed. I wanna get some snacks and come watch.

Yay for the berkeley bowl. You hip to their Berkeley Dijon mustard?

Senior Biggles

Sweet mother of desserts if they don't hire you with this display of creativity they are not suited for you.

If in the future you need a tasting panel,well, I'm available at the drop of a spoon.

Shuna, I am glad to see by your pictures, I should not be so afraid to take pictures while I work. They are great, and explain your process well. What I mean is I always want to give the illusion of a large room with endless counter space to work. It is good to know - you produce such wonderful things in tiny spaces too!

How'd it go, by the way?

I would like to make the most sacraficial of offerings to be on any tasting panel you would ever need, day or night.

Those desserts all sound amazing. Thank you SO much for sharing your process!

(I was rooting for the peppercorns, btw!)

chef plz send some plated dessert to my mail.I hope you ll send me some photos.thankyou.

Hello J.Gabriel,

Thanks for stopping by and the question, but I don't have photos of my plated desserts. For that you may want to check stock photo agencies or restaurant websites... good luck!

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