Just in time for, "what will I wear to gay pride next weekend?" e g g b e a t e r 100% cotton T shits have arrived to solve all your fashion dilemmas. Navy blue with orange graphics, this unique & slightly mysterious artwork will go with any pair of trousers, utility kilt, combat boots, sailorboy suit, fishnet stockings, Levi's, Catholic school uniforms or nakedness.
Think of all those summer BBQ's coming, hard-to-please birthday friends, and the people who seem to have everything, needimg the rare, one-of-a-kind gifts that take forever to find. Not anymore! The perfect gift for all genders, ages and sizes is here!
The eggbeater T shirt was printed and designed by a local company, Sundragon Screenprinting in downtown Oakland. An outrageous shop housed in a tall industrial building that's worth a visit if even just for delicious visuals. Housed in the same structure is a
wild metal machine shop that comes right out of your imagination and lands with a crash. A baby doll the
size of a Kenworth 18 wheeler hangs from the rafters and decorates the ceiling with old neons, oftentimes on, even in the bright skylight lit space.
Sundragon Screenprinting is owned and operated by Fred Gromadski and Dan Palkki, who Fred says enthusiastically and aprreciatively, "ultimately it's Dan's expertise and strength which churns out the sweet prints!!" An established artist himself, Fred is a friendly native Northern Californian. He's hella mellow, a little shy, has incredible handwriting and flair and is dedicated to being a small business owner in Oakland. If you have a printing job, no matter how small, I highly recommend giving Fred your business.
My e g g b e a t e r T shirts are sized appropriately. Meaning that the small is even small for a lanky fellow like me. Fred tells me that if you put them in a high heat dryer (inside out please!) they should shrink about 7% from the bottom.
Act now, these first run T shirts come to you at the low low price of $17. A pay pal account will soon be ready for your orders....
You know you've hit the "big time" when you have your very own blog t-shirts! :)
Posted by: Sweetnicks | 16 June 2005 at 09:30 AM
"I want one!" she said impatiently.
Posted by: Jeanne | 17 June 2005 at 12:37 AM
Shuna, yer a jewel in the traditional sense. Make it go.
It's a good thing you are who you are, because if you weren't? Then I couldn't be either. And that would suck.
I'm in a state of glee because I installed a Luddite telephone (does that exist?). Yes it does, you have to stick your finger in some hole and spin it around to make it work. Plus you have to keep track of where you are in numbers to make it useful.
Posted by: Dr. Biggles | 17 June 2005 at 05:39 PM
I have a thing for old phones. I have two that are exactly the same, {long story}, that are really heavy and non-mobile. When a phone person came to check my line a few years ago he looked at my phone and said, "Do you use that? Well you know in the NYC summer blackout, those dinosaurs were the only phones that worked!"
And hey, living life truthfully, unfortunately, is the only thing I know how to do.
Posted by: shuna | 17 June 2005 at 09:00 PM
I love this blog!! Dad
Posted by: michael lydon | 19 June 2005 at 02:42 PM
Hi Shuna,
When can we order one of these? Or am I too late?
Posted by: elise | 13 July 2005 at 02:31 AM