shuna lydon

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18 July 2005


I so want to go to this place. your description was fabulous. Sounds like the kind of place I want to run someday.


Great post. Love the photos. I want one of everything! : )

what, pray tell, is a pretzel croissant?? sounds fabulous and frightening all at once.

ohhh you worked at citizen cake? i really want to go to the cca in san francisco.

VIOLET!!! whatever you do, do not spend your money (or anyone else's) on CCA!!! stay clear away from that establishment.

Hey Shuna Baby, I hope you're okay. Positive vibes shooting your way and hope all is well.


Hi Shuna, I'll be in NYC for about 12 hours on Friday and am making a food crib sheet from your blog--thanks for the excellent descriptions! When I get back I'm going to try one of the recipes I've been drooling over for the past month or 2.

Hope you are doing ok.


I've been to city bakery twice now and I would probably eat there every day if I could. The salad bar is the freshest, most beautiful collection of unique vegetable dishes I've ever seen. The caramelized french toast is unmatched and the atmosphere is ultra casual. Kids can eat and play at kid sized picnic tables under the cool is that? Try the "City Bakery"...if you want excellent baked goods and loads of delicious, healthy choices as well..this is the place for you.

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