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Member since 03/2005

« pleur. | Main | Portland bakery crawl »

01 September 2005


I LOVE half & half... every time I've been to Portland, I've taken my booty from Powell's in there and read the first few pages of every book I bought.

Oh, for a long weekend in Portland.


It has been great reading your blog. Yours is the first I have really dove into and enjoyed. I enjoy cooking and eating wonderful food at home and out, but the way you describe the restaurant, service, place and presentation. Gives eating a new meaning and sensuality to it. Reading the entry's from Portland, make me want to visit this wonderful city and enjoy the great food, then I remember that I live here. Could you be my personal restaurant guide?

Devon, I can definately be your personal restaurant guide, (insert blush.) and maybe you will have time for a date next time I'm in your gorgoeous city...

wow, that is the sweetest thing ever! Thank you so much for your kind words. It's stuff like that that makes it all worth it!!!
see you next time, Robin

(works at H & H)

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