shuna lydon

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25 September 2005


Wow, I looked at my 23rd post, 5th line and it's lame! Yours is so interesting either you have tremendous luck or you always have insightful, interesting sentences (I think it's the latter). Thanks for tagging me, but I'll have to see if I can find something interesting to say about it :)

Shucks there Shuna you flatter me! I love that this meme reflects your love of the egg!

I dread looking up said 23rd blog's fifth sentence after that introduction.It will probably be something terribly pedestrian and not worthy of an additional word.Nice challenge though, so here we go......

One night at Gary Danko, after an ethereal fish quenelle (which preceded the entree, and see? I can't remember what it was), I asked if I could have another order of the quenelles instead of the desserts on the menu.
The answer was no. Pooh on them.

Mine is oh-so-lame:

"One thing that Chinatown is definitely renowned for is its affordable food."

Hey Five Pints! I don't think that's lame at all. No way. Put on your guerilla suit and trek into the politico jungle...why is ethnic food in America considered cheap? we can go there, it's a hint of subversive critical decronstuctionalist thought...

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