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28 October 2005


Hi Shuna,
Whose Frenchie is that? It's so adorable in the eggbeater t-shirt!
Can't wait to get mine (t-shirt that is).

I got mine!!!!!!
I wonder if I'm the first in Paris!
Proud to wear it.
Thanks Shuna!
(check is in the mail!!)

Oh yes. I want one. I just hope I look as good in it as the dog does.

How do I order one?

Hey Elise -

That's my Bogart. He loves Shuna. He insisted on trying on my e g g b e a t e r shirt.

hey there. You know I want one. I am thinking of you. clearly.
hope you are well. I would like to see you and have fun and eat.

I still have my old one and wear it specifically for good luck. It's one of my favorites cause it doesn't have the bottom hem sewn up. So, it kinds curls and makes me think it might be a luddite t-shirt. Luddite t-shirts have no hems.

Hi Fatemeh,
OMG he's a cute dog. I love Frenchies.

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