shuna lydon

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« O Pomegranate! | Main | Craigslist: job hunting {dark} humor »

16 November 2005


Ahhh yes, the dreams. I hope you have many
precious ones. Dreams of my father are few
and far between but what a gift when they come.
I heard the gathering was a blessed event.
So sorry I couldn't make it. I hope you will
post some photos or share some stories with
those who couldn't be there. You write so
beautifully Shuna, a real tribute to your mom.

Eeek, grief. I wish upon you moments of peace and maybe a tad of normalcy from time to time.
Maybe if you have some gravy or duck fat it'll help.


Of course you are tired -- or as my daughter said when she was little, "desausted". Listen to that, pay attention to the blank canvas: it isn't going anywhere and you will know what will belong on it, and when.

You're doing just the proper things. Slow cooking, long dreaming.

Healing is hard, but it will happen.

Oh Shuna, so sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds like you have a lot of good support and are taking care of yourself, which is so important. Bitter greens and slow, easy cooking will definitely help heal your soul. So will long walks in lush redwood forests and listening to the crash of ocean waves. Wishing you peace and fresh air to breathe.

Shuna, I'm so sorry to hear about this deep season of grieving. The Didion book is the right choice. I highly recommend Mark Doty's Heaven's Coast as well. It has accompanied me through some dark times, lifted me up toward the light. Feel it. And we're all here. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

Shuna, I'm sending you warm wishes of peace and comfort.

Thank you for your writing and photography, which grow more marvelous all the time. Checking out your blog each day or so is such a gift and pure pleasure.


I agree with Anne--your writing and photography keep growing, and the pleasure they give to others will find its way back to you. Slow and steady, healing is going on all the time.

You write very beautifully about your sadness. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad that you've found Didion's words healing - that book is extraordinary.

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