brilliance reigns
truth is seasons like clockwork
stopping for no one nothing
wearing dresses and large black shoes
no socks no underwear
drink moonlight
in the hour of diamond light
death not finite
ask her to bed
tell lies
bleed truth with leeches
and the stretching table
deep lakes
swim the perimeter
blinded by love
and a touch that silences me
in the hour of diamond light
i run with the dogs through cherry trees abloom
a flurry of petals in our trail
disturb honey bees
pick apricots in august quince in october
love protects, does not kill
finds me running toward traveling lightening
hiding behind the corners
sweep and vacuum leavenings
open chair open door
just once i want to show up at someones house and be elijah
set the table
baker's dozen
in the hour of diamond light
thoughts alight, combust
silos of them
landscape of big skies
grass so long its ends are split
but it lays like rubber dominoes
when the wind touches down
trousers shirtless
a voice denounces shrill
celebrates with wheat wine
tumbleweed shots
wears bowties handsomely
in the hour of diamond light
whispering is enough
shouting could be prayer, reverance
say outloud your love, your thanks
because sometimes they leave
with no trace. evaporate into the sky
i miss you
the land is without trees
there are no shadows
dusk two dimensional
dusk the last hurrah
in the hour of diamond light
rain falls hard
and i go
i leave with me from the bar
i say, "i make sweet things"
we pray standing
god humbles us
a pie is cooling on a yellow curtained windowsill
this is the truth:
a hungry bear comes along and eats it.
In the hour of diamond light
brilliance reigns
truth keeps walking
Shuna Lydon.
October 29/30, 2001
Shuna I read it aloud to the d-o-g-s and we are in agreement-- it is a lovely poem. Royal D. ask "Didn't we know her than?" I replied "We did indeed K. David!"
Posted by: King David, Bathsheba, Abu & Guest | 11 December 2005 at 08:28 PM
Extaordinary piece of writing--moving, passionate, and beautiful. You say so much with such concision. So much deep feeling.
Posted by: Dad | 12 December 2005 at 11:19 AM
I understand it, as you knew I would.
It says it all.
And you do believe
And you know:
Diamond Light
Clear Light
My heart is your heart
Posted by: baillee | 12 December 2005 at 11:24 PM
Hey, Thanks for the recent comments. Im actually in Florida right now and I cant find your comment on the Black and Whites. Can you point me in the right direction.
Posted by: randi | 13 December 2005 at 11:12 PM