shuna lydon

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25 March 2006


How many variaties to choose from!

Glorious photos of citrus varieties!! Great text too!!

now that I have caught up on days past...I am truly back in the bay areas arms

Thanks Shuna! I've never seen citron as a fresh fruit. Only dried and candied. Now I know.

Great site. Great writing. Makes me miss Berkeley.

Shuna -

There are two citrus fruits which few Americans may have had the pleasure of tasting.

The first is the bitter orange - not really so bitter and intensely sour, it makes a gorgeous replacement for simply broiled or smoked fishes.

The second is a sweet lemon. It looks like a lemon, inside and out, with a marvelously heady fragrance. When you bite into the flesh, there is nothing remotely sour about it - it's all sweetness and flowers.

I found both of them, recently, at the Persian market for Nowruz...

Speaking of which - there are still some goodies at my house fr you!

I was looking at Fatemeh's letter, and I wanted to tell you about the Citrus People. They have a stand at both the Alemany farmers market, and sometimes at Civic Center. They have all kind of citrus from Buddhas Hand to sweet lemons. I would bet the sour oranges are nestling against the Meyer lemons. Try them.


I know Exactly who you are speaking of. They are also at the marin market and I buy from them often.

In fact they also grow the LIMEQUAT & the MANDARINQUAT!!!!! They are growing exceptional citrus and they come all the way from Fresno--- yesterday I thanked them fro driving all the way up here.

I love love love these photos!

What can I say, these colors make me happy.

I really do need to order marmalade from that wonderful marmalade maker you mentioned here.


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