shuna lydon

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05 March 2006


Happy birtday! I like the top pic very much, just the right one for a birthday!

forgot the h in the birthday, here it is!

Happy birthday to Eggbeater, indeed! I only recently discovered the world of blogging and, upon first visit, I instantly fell in love with yours. I look forward to reading more of your lovely prose so that I can continue dreaming of your West Coast.

HB! Congrats.
And look -- you managed to gain some weight. :D

Happy birthday to you! May the great adventure continue!!

And many hoppy terns.

Cease not.

You are a continual joy and delight to read. And Eggbeater is a Pisces! Isn't that delightful... Keep on swimming! xoxo, J

Happy Birthday Eggbeater! And hats off to Shuna for creating and nurturing such a beautiful thing during this past year. I can't believe its been a whole year since "mandarinquat" entered my vocabulary (and consciousness). Thank you!!!!

Happy Birthday and all the delicious & inspiring thoughts!

Happy Birthday Eggbeater! Dang, it doesn't feel as though it's been a year, are you sure?
A year on the internet is equal to approximately 7 in human years.
What's next?

What a wonderous, thematic image you begin your post with! I need not say what that structure hopes to mimic & thereby envoke in us what the true form & fragrance always does...

Eggbeater never ceases to delight!
You write with so much wit and passion,
you've almost turned me into a cook!
Keep those great pics and words coming.
Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on one year of wonderful writing, stimulating and beautiful images, mouthwatering comestibles, and provocative thought!

Mazel tov, Shuna! And thank you for giving us this treasure of a blog.


Pretend this is a package with a box of sparklers to celebrate the birthday of Eggbeater -- and a loaf of bread (peasant, hearty) and sea salt, traditional housewarming gifts.

Though I can't hand them to you in person, the wishes are here!

Shuna, thanks so much for the gift of Eggbeater. Happy blogaversary to you and your thoughtful, beautiful, entrancing blog.


Thank you for the support and encouragement. I am hoping to grow eggbeater far and wide, thick and thin, stout and lean, here and there, salt and sweet, sea and sky, desert and forest, river and stream.

Thank you for taking the journey with us.

Thank you for being born, Eggbeater.

And Shuna -- could Eggbeater go in a northwest direction sometime this coming year?

I wear my Eggbeater t-shirt proudly in Seattle.

Congratulations on your anniversary! Your site is firmly on my regular read list.

Happy Birthday and congratulations!

Happy Birthday to Eggbeater and to the chef that tends it! May the next year bring grand new adventures and much joy--I can't wait to read along.

Congratulations on your first year..Eggbeater!!! Looking foward to hearing new adventures from your new home.

I to am wondering if Eggbeater will be making a trip to the Northwest in the near furure...

Buon compleanno!

Happy Birthday ... all the best in the year to come!

Ah yes, the first couple of posts! I remember them so well. I stumbled upon you far before you became famous in learjet speed! I enjoy each and every post. Keep writing, it suits you.

Hippo Birdies, two ewes!

Famous? Am I famous? How come I'm always the last to know?!!

yes yes Yes, The pacific northwest is on my internal agenda. But I am going to wait until the weather is not so cold & wet! Eek I don't want to get stuck in the snow in the mountains!

believe you me, Portland calls to me incessantly like a sexy siren...

Happy B-day

Shuna, your mother's photo is so hauntingly beautiful.

I have returned so many times intending to comment about how I understand why you chose to post her picture on your anniversary blog.

Your year has been defined by your mother.

She lives in you.

Her portrait inspires a gush of words and at the same time awed silence--so fitting a reaction to a woman who was about words and thoughts. This is a snapshot of life...beautiful, gritty, strong and bold, fragile and vulnerable. Thanks for sharing.

Congratulations, dear one. Well done. (Thanks also for the happy, proud pic of your father's smiley t-shirted face.)

"..And at the moment that my camera happened to find you
There was just a trace of sorrow in your eyes."
-Jackson Browne

Happy Birthday, Eggbeater!! Happy Birthday, Shuna!!
We love seeing how much pleasure you are bringing to so many people!! More, more!!

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