shuna lydon

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28 June 2006


YES! I love the description of going where "our tribe is gathered." I am glad that you are able to find fellowship.

Wow, it sounds almost like a children's book... except for grownups! Thanks for the pictures and the words. Hope you had a good Pride.
-Isaiah (with a brand spankin' new blog)

Very nice post. I have a brother who is gay, so this is an issue that's close to my heart.

Very nice post!! This time of year I hear too many uninformed people pose the question "Why do they (or worse, we) need a special event to celebrate their sexuality?" It's not just about celebrating our sexuality (which in and of itself is very important), it's about reaffirming the knowledge that We are part of something much bigger than ourselves and We are not alone!! (plus it's a hell of a lot of fun ;)

Happy Pride!!

What an eloquent and lyrical description!
The thing I love the most about Pride weekend is watching the joy everyone experiences at being able to be just who they are. It's worth celebrating.

Happy Fey Days to you, Shuna -- and what glorious weather you had for the weekend of gathering.

It was wonderful to read your post. I love it when humans can just BE, without political fetters, celebrating life. I'm sending your link to non-foodie gay friends in other parts of the country who will appreciate your words. Thanks!

Way to go, Shuna.

More power to you.

As always! A great read!

Loved this post.

First time this year, that I skipped it. It's the only place where you can get the best junk food (at inflated prices), jump double-dutch with 6ft. 3in trannie and gawk at hot men who wouldn't give me the time of day simply because they're into dick! Love it.

Cool post.

Hey -- you got a shot of my friends (the ones in the pink outfits with the Sofia can tiaras) -- I must have just missed you! Plus, you walked right in front of Il Cantuccio, where I was dining, so I missed you twice!

This year I was in the woods on retreat during pride week. Usually I'm in a city where I get the chance to feel pride, too -- pride in my beautiful and amazing friends and family members who share the celebration with me. Last year I was at the Cowgirl Cafe in Santa Fe -- wow! I loved seeing and sharing yours, this year...

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