Crazy, surreal, incredible, old, bizarre, dirty, loud, hectic, bells, lights, greasy smells, salty hair, sand, sweat, sex, sugar sweet, sticky skin, boardwalk splinters, hallucinogenic, memory, children screaming, couples kissing, bathing suits, tattoos, boombox hip-hop, scantily clad women, hips & sway, clinky clanky circus music, working class vacation, french fries, soft serve, cotton candy, red candy apples, shiny Cadillacs, the side show, spinning, turning round and round, the carousel and the Cyclone, clickety clickety clackety clack of wooden rollercoaster and screaming riders.
one black hat sailing off a whooshing past head with arms raised bravely, fingers spread against the hot
humd air.
See what I see, eat what I eat, ride the long train ride to the end of the line, at KQED's Bay Area Bites...
These are wonderful posts, Shuna. Thank you!
Posted by: Sara | 11 July 2006 at 11:42 AM