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« Figs. Bold, Yet Elusive | Main | foto »

25 July 2006


Ok, I have to ask: What is there to recognize from gangland in your tattoos?

Pie Friday.


I have a number of crown tattoos. The crown is the LK signifier.

Good question Joe Fish.

A king certainly, but latin - no.
I am going to Coney Island myself soon. I am very much looking forward to it. Soon being relative within the next 2 months.
I will eat salt water taffy and think of you.
I will be back in the bay by October.
I hope to eat lots and lots with you then.

Your post today is like a Raymond Carver catalogue poem. Okay if I use it as an example with my high school senior writers? With credit to you, of course. And LOVE the soft serve photo, even though I don't like soft serve. Magic!

Awesome post. Great photos too. BTW - after your post on the Shake Shack I cobbled a couple of recipes together and made some Sour Cherry Frozen Custard. It came out great! I will post the recipe on my blog later today or tomorrow.

From your descriptions I really felt like I was there.

It's funny how no matter what the generation, we didn't feel like there were people different from us until we grow up and realize it...

Love your blog, I actually had it bookmarked at work but then quit work and lost all my bookmarks! Blah blah blah...glad to be reading you again.

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