shuna lydon

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« Edible San Francisco Summer 2006: Shuna In Print, Again! | Main | an explanation. »

11 August 2006


This is an astonishingly personal post and very brave. There is nothing I can say that can relate to its message except that whoever is the center of this should feel blessed to have you as a friend. And it told me almost as much about you as about the recipient...........

Wow, a friend--and a friendship--indeed. There is wisdom and love here. Thank you for sharing both with us.

Wow. That's all that I can say. This was heartbreakingly beautiful and the subject of this should be honored to have you in his life. Thank you for this awesome piece. It inspires me and brings me hope for tomorrow.

Thank you for this post. It's given me more courage -- courage I have been sorely lacking -- in the matter of calling back someone who's let me down terribly and seems to want to make amends. I'm scared to death, but your words hit me intensely, right in the knees if you want to know the truth, and I think it's time to return the call.

gawd... Shuna... my monitor is all blurry now.

f-u-c-k yeah!

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