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14 August 2006


Oh Shuna...Thank you!
I leaped to the edge of my seat when I saw your post and signed up for the first available class. I just can't even wait. Thanks again.

Anyone still on the fence after Shuna's testamonial, who still needs a push: GO.

We are remodeling our kitchen this summer, and my urge to make preserves has been the phantom itch that I can't scratch. (I have borrowed a friend's kitchen once, but it's not the same.)

I stopped by June Taylor's web site over the weekend - hair of the perfect dog - and saw the new class offerings! I bought myself a present: a September conserve class, a couple of days before my birthday and a couple of weeks before our kitchen is scheduled to be finished.

Were it not for your post about her marmalade class, I wouldn't have known that she teaches. Thanks much, Shuna! I'm so excited!

I had the great good fortune to spend an afternoon with June when I was in Berkeley last week. Even with all I learned from just drinking green tea, sitting on the high stool and chatting, I would give a lot to take one of her classes. Since there were none taught during our two weeks here, I'll just have to wait for another time...

I'm a total junkie over her jams!
worth a trip over the mountains for this one, thanks

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