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« The Caramel Cake is at Poulet Today | Main | Eggbeater Graffitti »

01 August 2006


Oh, stop it!! Why can't I live at your house??

Meanwhile, could you tell us all whether there is a difference in baking time between freshly made and frozen biscuits?

The deer are eating most of the windfall plums in my yard but maybe I can salvage some to add to my wild blackberries and some peaches -- and, and.

Summertime. The living is easy.

Hello fabu-kudzu,

well yes there is a difference in baking time with fresh and frozen biscuits. but i try not to give out times as every oven is so different... for myself I rely on my nose. It always tells me when to check and when to tun and so forth.

that said, if you're oven runs hot on the bottom, best to double pan the biscuits so the bottoms aren't too tough.

Thanks for sharing this with us last weekend, both the boy and I loved it. I felt so spoiled to have something from the official eggbeater oven!

Damn, that sounds so crazy good right now!

Egg-cellent. Sorry, couldn't help it. No, really, thanks. I'm heading home to MI to fete my Dad for his birthday and this sounds like a perfect summer dessert-we'll be on the deck looking out over the lake. Cardamom in the crust? Nice touch. Always looking forward to the next post.

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