shuna lydon

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17 October 2006


But Shuna...what kind of cake are you baking? Enquiring minds want to know...

Sounds like fun. In New York we are up to our waists in apples and pears, so I am in pie mode again. Just started using your dough recipe. Naturally, it rocks my world.

Joe Fish


Well...I am thinking about caramel and gooeyness and a dash of chocolate, something crunchy, something buttery.

How does that sound?

Ah, wish I were still in SF! I'd bake them a big ol' cake, for sure. I lived upstairs from Modern Times for 5 years, and was always happy they were there, even though the sales staff could be kind of PC-er than thou and a lil' snooty sometimes. But as a writer, I love that they are still there, and haven't turned into a furniture shop or trendy shoe store. Enjoy the cakes, and Viva Modern Times!

crunchy, caramelly, dash o' choc? Sounds like a little bit of heaven, of course, and totally worthy of the wonderful Modern Times. Oh to be in SF...

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