New! Improved! Re-designed! Spiffy! Fancee!
A real live paper-made magazine with a soft matte feel and handsomely sized.
F R E E if you find it in the Bay Area!
It's the new Fall 2006 issue of Edible San Francisco. And wish it Happy 1 year Birthday!
"still the only magazine in San Francisco that focuses exclusively on food and wine, farmers and fisherman, and ranchers and restaurateurs."
Bruce Cole, Editor & Publisher
My piece? It's called Bewitched By Walnuts.
"Culinarily the walnut holds neither the reputation nor the cache of many of its nut-peers. Unlike the walnut, the almond is easily masked or morphed into various incarnations and is often called on to perform in this manner. Hazelnuts, expensive and gorgeously perfumed, travel in different circles altogether. Pistachios, fickle in their ever-intangible flavor have big PR backing. The exotic cashew, rare and seemingly unattainable, is painfully unique. And pine nuts aren’t even nuts. But the walnut?
A walnut is a walnut is a walnut.
Except when it’s black. Then it’s rare and sought after. Then it’s veritably impossible to open, find, buy, eat or use. Then it’s a nut with dangerous implications."
But you can't find these delicious articles on line. Oh no, this is in print, on paper, laid out, edited, arranged, and interspersed with helpful, local advertising.
Click here to subscribe. Want to catch all of my articles & corresponding recipes-- Rhubarb, peach, and walnut? Ask for your subscription to start with Spring 2006.
European Subscriptions welcome!
I had a few bites of a lovely walnut and ricotta cake at 1550 Hyde last night. It was wholesome and cheesecakey and rustic and it made my soul very happy.
Posted by: sam | 25 October 2006 at 08:06 PM
I'd love to read the article, but I think subscribing to a regional publication for a place several thousand miles away that I've never been to is probably a little silly.
Although there's a reasonable chance I'll be moving to the region within the years, so I'll keep an eye out for future work.
I love Black Walnuts, although they're kind of a pain. I've never had any luck finding them for sale (although I must confessed I've never made a concerted effort), but I've always lived around the trees, which are beautiful enough the nuts are just an added bonus.
I enjoy your blog...I've been popping by here for a while. Thanks for linking my site.
Posted by: Evil Fruit Lord | 29 October 2006 at 12:26 PM