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« Chocolate Frosting {With Yellow Cake} | Main | Halloween In San Francisco »

02 November 2006


...the Maldon salt on our fresh-roasted peanut butter? (This is one of my new favorite bites lately.)

Me too! I'm doing it too! I'll comment if you will. Of course, I'm always here anyway, so it's not change. Now I just have a great diversionary tactic from the manuscript.

With a request for comments like that, how could I resist? Good luck with the eveyday posting. I am giving it a go too.

yay! I'm so glad you're joining the insanity...

the bacon to our BLT?
Good luck with it!

...the pectin in our preserves?

What a big gun you have! NaBloPoMoing I am, too... with Yoda as company.

Hi! YUM! some yummy recipes on this site.

I found you off the nablo list... just stoppin in to say hi.

Damn - wish I'd known about this earlier... Bit late to start now nd I'm not exactly covered in regular-posting glory this month!! Why does all the good stuff happen at the same time - it's NaNoWriMo too, something else I wasn't organised enough to sign up for :-(

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