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10 November 2006


I am so totally jealous. Not of Paris, but of enjoying that macaroon in Paris! And, of course, meeting with David.

Paris? New Years? The first days of 1990? I was there! Silent fish passing through the dark waters of time.

i just visited paris for the first time this past may, and i went to the eiffel tower at night and took a million pictures. i, too, wandered off alone there to just feel the city breathing without talking or being talked to. touristy as it is, there really IS somehting cool about it.

i'm new to it, but i'm REALLY enjoying your blog.

LOL - I adore the macaroon & tower shot! There is just something about the tower that makes me go crazy with the camera every time I see it - always some new angle or trick of the light that I haven't seen before. And the crowds at the base always make for fab people-watching!

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