shuna lydon

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« Clementines | Main | Punkin Pie! or: Did You Get Your Pie On? »

23 November 2006


What is the name of the lovely red flower in the photo? (Gorgeous pics, by the way. You have such a talent for photography!)

All my best to you! I thought of you today as I made your leeks for Thanksgiving (explaining to my mom that they needed to be arranged "sleepover style"). Big hugs.


It sounds like a new adventure is on the horizon. Good luck. ;-)


Right back at yeah, eh.

Thought about you the other day, I'll need to send you a picture. FC's smoked duck breast came out just fine.

I had me gravy yesterday, all is well.



I am sorry to say I do not know the name of that flower. Neighbors of mine have a lovely snatch of it in front of their house. Thanks for the compliment of the camera-work. Thank goodness for a way to have immediate results without all the chemicals!

I know the name of that gorgeous, dark purple beauty: scabiosa! It's one of my favorites, and I totally squeeled at the picture.

Beautiful post, Shuna!

What a great post Shuna. I like the idea of using Thanksgiving (rather than the over-hyped New Year) to takea moment to reflect on the year gone by and plan for the year to come - even though I've never celebrated Thanksgiving. I did take a moment last week though to make a little mental list of things to be thankful for - my eclectic group of friends, my darling nephew (who is getting a brother soon!), my husband who puts up with my temper (!), the fact that I walk past the beautiful St Pauls cathedral every day, my healthy body, my cosy house, my frequent trips abroad. It's amazing how much sunnier a late Fall day can suddenly seem!

Hope you and yours had a great day.

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