shuna lydon

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« winter. | Main | Cornmeal & Fresh Fruit Cake, finally! »

07 December 2006


Oh Shuna, how I would love to attend some of your classes, including pie dough. However, my little infant keeps me from scheduling anything longer than a couple hours at most at this point... hopefully next year when he's less dependent I'll be able to play!

Any chance you could conduct a knife skills class online? I cook a lot, but my knife skills stink. I do alright with pie and tart dough, although I want the magic trick for keeping the tart dough from shrinking up as you pre-bake it.

where will you be working? I want to try your desserts!!

shoot, I was coming to town the weekend of the 14th, and was hoping to come and take the class for fun. keep us posted on the job though and happy holidays!

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