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13 December 2006


This post is really fascinating. I love when you let us in on some of the science that doesn't come in a nice little package alongside the recipes in home cookbooks. One question though. Since working there, do you always make your own baking powder now (both at home and in the kitchens you work)?


the truth is that I rarely make it from scratch. I am usually doing much larger production than we did at BL and there are ways that I streamline efficiency, and therefore results. But it is a good idea, if you have the time, at least to see the side-by-side difference.

Hi Shuna,
If baking powder is not added equally when scaling up a cake recipe, what is the rule of thumb for increasing the BP? For instance, if I want to increase a recipe that makes 2 9-inch cakes to 12-inch cakes how is the BP increased? Thanks for the info. It's great!

Linda-- if you're doubling a recipe it's no big deal. I was referring to increasing a recipe by 5+ times... Not to worry on doubling.

Was trying to translate wijnsteenzuur which is cream of tartar. The recipe above is the one I know as well. Here in NL the bp has aluminum carbonate and I have only used it for traditionall dutch cookies. I import my Rumford.

In the time of the dough boys when biscuits of the 1849ers (gold seekers) where made with a yeast starter instead of the nontrusted baking powder which these men found so metalic in terms of taste, The yeast starter was fed in between with some flour and was ready to go for the next day after growing for wsome hours.

When you increase a recipe, do not double the salt, try one and a half or one and three quarters if you double all the rest. If you cut the recipe in half or in thirs, just cut everything. If you choose a recipe with 3 eggs to devide in 3 and one with 2 or 4 to devide in half, life is a bit easier. this works well with muffins and pancakes for a few insread of an army.

I have become highly allergic to nickel and am trying to find an alternative to baking powder. I love to bake and eat the things I make, but my mouth is full of sores. Can you tell me if cream of tartar contains any nickel?

hello kathy, please ask a scientist type person your question. Oftentimes the baking powder company will answer specific questions if you contact them on their phone number/website. Good Luck. ~ shuna

Wow, that's super informative! Thanks.

Regular baking powder makes the roof of my mouth burn -- it's surprising how many things have baking power in them, like some commercial tortillas, danish, and yeast breads. I also use Rumford at home. Thanks for the recipe.

Thanks for the info. Your site is great and very applicable to my job right now. I bake for a small restaurant, and have been quadrupling (and more) normal cake recipes straight up. How should I scale the baking powder? Do you know if there is some sort of information out there (a book, or a website) for large scale baking? I'm the only baker at this restaurant and just sort of feeling my way, teaching myself.

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