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« My Name is in the San Francisco Chronicle!!!!! | Main | kitchen shoes & uniform »

24 December 2006


I love caramel anything, but I never make it myself. The one and only time I tried to make caramel, I ended up with a petrified mess in the bottom of my favorite pot. No more. The next time I'm in SF, I'll come looking for *your* caramel cake.

Thank you, Thank you so very much.


In April I found the recipe for caramel cake at Bay Area Bites and was very excited. I love caramel. I was turning fifty and looking for a birthday cake. I showed my husband and he made it for me. He's a terrific baker, also, follows directions carefully. The frosting was fabulous, but the cake, I had to throw it out. It was awful. Gummy, like rubber, flat. Inedible. I'd love to know if there have been adjustments to the recipe. Those pictures at La Poulet make my mouth water. I'd love to hear back. Thanks, Concetta

Hello Concetta,

First let me say what a lovely name you have.

A few people who have made this cake have had some problems-- I have had back and forth emails with them about what could have gone wrong. So, because of your comment, I am going to post those exchanges. If you still have problems making it, please do email me again.

Look back here in a few hours... (today is Sunday November 18, 2007)

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