In every kitchen there is a piece of equipment that defines the establishment. In my opinion, The Onion Liquefying Machine defines Aziza. Of course this is not what it's listed as in the restaurant equipment catalog, but it's the Shuna name for it, and right here, right now, that's all that matters.
Have you seen it before? Used it? Made friends with such a thing as is this?
Pictured here is the magnificent machine in action. Onions and cilantro go round and round, passing under a hood housing sharp sharp teeth, or so I imagine. One does not reach one's hand under the domed lid to find out who's behind the onion liquefying mechanism, you know?
Years ago, when I worked here before, waiters would come into the kitchen to say a diner was allergic to onions. We would just cackle. "They should eat elsewhere!" We, clad in white, would sing menacingly. "Onions are in the bases of all the sauces!"
Liquefied Onions, that is.
Because, under our very roof, we housed and owned and domesticated The Onion Liquefying Machine.
I have never seen one before or since. It's not the same as putting onions in a food processor or a Robot-Coupe. Because the rotations are slow and methodical. Round and round the bowl turns and on each rotation the onions get smaller and smaller. Until they are tiny and uniform and soupy.
It's a slow and lovely thing to behold.
So I wanted to show it off to you. A machine like no other. Treacherous and beautiful, steady and strong, durable and careful.
The Onion Liquefying Machine.
I have used a machine just like this one before! It was one of the most useful tools at the first deli/bakery at which I ever worked. We called it The Chopper. It is useful for much more than mincing onions, too. I used to use it for lots of vegetables and herbs for bound salads, plus it's great for chopping nuts and dried fruit for big batches of cookies and quick breads.
You are right, you don't want to put any part of your hands beyond the guard. Rather than having lots of teeth it actually has a whirling blade much like a food processor's chopping blade, but vertically oriented. When you operate it you do have to hold your hand at the edge of the bowl to keep the food from crawling out.
I used to love emptying it. Instead of holding your hand in the direction the bowl turns, you hold your hand in the opposite direction with your fingers angled toward the middle and the food gracefully marches up the hill and leaps into an awaiting container below. Then you put in more things to be chopped. It's such a civilized machine.
I remember being surprised when I got to culinary school and the school didn't have one. I guess they are more rare than I'd thought.
Posted by: Calichef | 29 December 2006 at 03:08 AM
Yup. I've used one too. We used it to chop mushrooms for ravioli filling. That's it. And I have also never seen it anywhere else. It really must be seen in person to fully understand. I wiah I had one in my kitchen to play with!
Calichef- I love the description of emptying it!
Posted by: lee | 29 December 2006 at 09:49 AM
It's a buffalo chopper! We have one at CCSF and use it for everything, from mincing garlic to chopping meat and mushrooms for duxelle. It's an amazing machine.
Posted by: Richard | 29 December 2006 at 12:23 PM
While I love the magic and wonder of the affectionate names for this amazing machine - what is the technical case any of us want to share in the joy of it's creation.
Posted by: Maureen | 29 December 2006 at 05:48 PM
Humph, I don't have one. I wonder of RonCo makes a pocket version?
Posted by: Dr. Biggles | 29 December 2006 at 06:06 PM
It's a buffalo chopper, great power tool for volume food production; bread crumbs, mirepoix for tomato sauce, pates and meatloaf, process raw fish for quenelles, pounds of egg salad in SECONDS!!!... suprised to learn that one can be found at the Culinary Academy in SF, hmmmmm...learn those knife skills people, they must have alot of old equipment, you can bet that Charlie Trotter or Gary Danko won't have one of these around. I've worked with two sizes; at the Ritz-Carlton and a private retirement facility, guard the locking knob or the whole thing is can mix the entire meatloaf at one standing. Fresh bread and fresh herbs become herbed bread crumbs in seconds. And of course the onion prep. Their real beauty is how they transfer leftovers...leftover meatballs into bolognese sauce, 1/2 a tavern ham = ham salad, you get the idea...but come to think, the TRUE beauty is the extra time it created for your cigarette break...
Posted by: MCKukich | 30 December 2006 at 02:42 AM
THIS is why I love writing eggbeater! Because it's fantastically informative! And fun! And never ceases to amaze and delight with ideas and inspirations!
Thank you for great commentary! Well written conversation! A fantastic exchange!
Thank you all.
Posted by: shuna fish lydon | 31 December 2006 at 05:04 AM
Wow! Great info. I wish, I could have such a writing skills.
Posted by: Amien | 05 June 2007 at 04:21 PM