shuna lydon

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« Work Break-Up Blues, part II | Main | Redwood Hill Goat Yogurt Granite »

13 January 2007


Oh my goodness. I have been following links from many of my favorite foody kind og blogs. I see you that you are a rights fighting machine. I am glad you found favor. Love your recipe section, great list of wonderful food blogs to.

Sheesh! That's quite a list. I'll bet the full story would sway me from shopping there, despite the fact that I've shopped there for 10+ years, everywhere I've lived, and know many folks who have worked for them.

So, maybe I don't _want_ to know the whole story. Crap. Ethical dilemma!

Oh lord I would die to see that. I may be one of the crazies in line with a tent the night before!
I'd also love to hear about Shuna's adventures at Whole Foods...I'm more than willing to buy a tall glass of tea...and maybe even a little nible as well :)

I really admire your courage to fight back at unethical employers.

Kudos to you.

Holy crud. That should be interesting. I'll be watching for the webcast if possible from SoCal.

I swear we've lived parallel lives. Your words over the past weeks have resonated with me so much. I've often asked the same questions and wondered if passion could pay a dentist someday.

Thank you for you.

Whoa! I didn't realize you were such a rabblerouser. More than that, I didn't realize WF was such a scofflaw. We don't have one here in my corner of the world, yet, but when they do come, I may not be a customer.

I do hope you get tix to the lecture. I'm anxious to read your review.

Shuna: I'm really looking forward to this and sincerely hope I can get tickets. I am almost finished with TOD and I love it so much. I can't believe how much I am learning. I have an unrelated (sort of) question though: Eatwell farms is spraying their citrus with a constant flow of water to protect from the frost. This seems counterintuitive to me and

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