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« Food Blog Awards: Last Day To Vote | Main | Eggbeater Wins Food Blog Awards "Food Industry" Category!!!!!!! »

09 January 2007


as an interviewee for a postion you must have a strong sense of what the employers objectives are, and whether or nor they are attainable,and always ask to see recent profit and loss statements,to see if any one's reaching the objectives...and noodle around the x-staff if you can find them and find out why they quit.....dont be too emotional or get sucked in by someone elses dream .......

Hm. I am often asked to state my salary requirements in my cover letter before I'm even offered an interview. A lose before I begin! And asked directly at an interview, too. I'm not sure how to win that dance.

I can see how this opportunity could seduce you, and am so sorry to hear that it didn't live up to that initial promise.

There are a lot of fans & a lot of shit along the way in life. Best of luck, keep the chin high.

Shuna, off topic here, but congratulations on the Food Blog Award!

employers always overpromise and under deliver....i just really want to know did THEY set forth in the hiring process financial objectives...if they didnt, or prospective employers more importantly cannot, how can anyone be successful...ever?

Congratulations on the Food Blog Award!

Did you ever read the story "Vanity Fair" by W.M. Thackeray (or at least see the movie, which is a throughly perfect film adaptation)? You should. Amelia goes through a lot of ups and downs and real downs, but through it all, there is a happy ending.

Actually, no I take that back. You're way stronger than Amelia. Amelia, while sweet, is a dumb fluff headed twit. You're quite the opposite (excpet the sweet part, lol)

CONGRATS on the FBA, Shuna. (See, told ya.)

When you work in a creative field you are not always dealing with cut and dry, rows of figures, or clear heads. You have to navigate intense personalities, wild-eyed passion, and even work breakups. I think we are ultimately blessed to involve our hearts in our professional sphere. Sucks to get burned though. Shuna, I am moved by your writing on a daily basis. Thank you.

Perhaps the lesson in all this will be revealed as you work your way through the blog-story. Sometimes writing helps us focus our thoughts and channel our desires.

You're doing a marvelous job navigating those intense personalities, as Eugena put it above. Maybe this is meant to be a time of reflection to re-direct your energies elsewhere.

Not to worry. Lots of us will keep reading. I have an excellent contact at the Westin St. Francis Hotel, if you're interested. Email me privately.

Thanks for sharing with us the story of your relationship -- hopefully a cathartic way for you to navigate your "break-up", and much learning too for us about life, food and professional kitchens -- which your readers always get from coming here.

I love these photos, too, pomegranates and persimmons. They really make me think about the relationship of the flower to the fruit. No wonder Persephone was seduced!

I wanna hear the rest of the story.

- Chubbypanda

perfect timing Chubbypanda...

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