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« Goose Dinner! | Main | plum blossoms »

20 February 2007



Are almond blossoms edible, can they be used for a tissane or infusion, or candied and dried...I had never really thought of the possibilities, though if they are as perfumed as they are beautiful they would make an incredible ingredient.


Hello Alex!

So nice to have you. An honor indeed. Yes, almond blossoms can be used culinarily. They would make a gorgeous whisper of flavor for something also subtle and light. I am loathe to pick them though, because, of course, that would mean no eating of green almonds in Spring.

It was this tree who first introduced me to green almond flavor essence. (And I don't mean when they are just a little glob of jello, I much prefer them when they are both nut and fruit simultaneously.)

Almonds are so expensive nowadays but I imagine if you can get in good with an almond orchard you could make something ethereal... let me know if you do.

The juxtaposition of the wintry goose dinner and the emerging almond blossoms really nails our Bay Area mix of seasons and beauties. Thanks for both!

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