shuna lydon

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« apricot blossoms | Main | Knife Sharpening Class: Monday February 26 »

22 February 2007


Well done

What a beautiful, evocative post!

I do cook with flowers often myself, and think of them as poetry for the palate.

Your words captured thatconcept perfectly.

Oh, yahoo! This is very inspiring.
My first thought: rice pudding.
Second: panna cotta.
Finally, Shuna, my Meyer lemon tree is usually very eager to shed extra blossoms. I consider it "self-pruning." I'll save you some. I have a Key lime tree, too.

i am opposed to the idea of plucking flowers from trees for culinary purposes. please. dont. but thats just me. the blossoms that fall from 'self pruning'(as cookiecrumb mentions) are different tho'...

The flowers were pretty (and made me homesick for NorCal), but I like the doggie the best. =)

oh shuna, you are a culinary goddess after my own heart - i got goose bumps of the deja vu variety just reading "my dream has always been to make a real Blanc Mange from green almonds".

i've long fantasized about making the peach leaf parfait from the chez panisse fruit book - although the possibility of finding young peach leaves in my neck of the woods remains remote...

In Japan there is a drink made of cherry blossoms that have been preserved in salt and then floated in hot water. The blossoms open and remain suspended in the liquid. Beautiful.

It's called Sakura-yu and is served at auspicious occasions. My parents drank this at their wedding, and my mother made it the first time we gathered to celebrate my brother's engagement.

The bonus: Japanese cherry trees don't produce fruit, so you're not endangering the harvest.

Hmmm...Tea that's interesting. So it tastes like cherry despite the tree being only a flowering varietal?
I grew up in a yard with many flowering plum trees...does anyone know if the same would hold true?

This is the most beautiful ode to spring and it's treasures that I have ever read! So perfect. Thank you.

thank you for all these blossoms (photos and ideas). they make me happy even if i'm not a chef/cook.

Dear Shuna - thank you for this lovely post, your beautiful pictures made me happy... As Tea said, we use cherry blossoms for cooking (as well as the leaves) not just look pretty they taste quite 'delicate' too.

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