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« Shuna Lydon's April Classes ~ | Main | forty minus one »

19 March 2007


Sadly as a pastry eater, I find there are no real desserts anymore. I am tired of creme brulee, some bad brownie concoction and the tired tired tiramisu. Where are all those creative chefs? I know they're out there.

Shuna, you've inspired me to be a bit more creative. After 2 months of having no pastry assistant & working 12- 16 hour days 6 days a week ..I admit I've been playing it safe. I've been too tired to be the pastry chef I know that I can be.
I know everyone hates creme brulee & the lava cake but most people have to realize that the owners & the chefs are the ones who refuse to take it off the menu. I'd strike those 2 off the menu in a second if I could. But they don't trust their customers enough to think they might like something different & new.

For more information on culinary schools, go to: pastry chefs

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