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« farm: art | Main | Eggbeater, Once Upon A Time ~ »

05 March 2007


Are you willing to do pie? With all the promise of summer fruit . . . luscious stone fruit, succuluent berries . . . pie crust would be just the thing.

An off the wall suggestion is to create great desserts for people who don't like overly sweet treats. Rhubarb is one of my favorite pies. Espresso often suffiices for dessert. What wonders could lemongrass, preserved lemons, even tamarind hold?
Inspire us, Shuna!

Well, I dont know how it would work but...I want to take a class. I'm just fifteen, but I want baking and cooking to be my life's work. Um, I really want to be a cake decorator. you know, open up my own little wedding cake shop. I want to be known for my cakes and all the things I can do with them...but I have to learn the basics. Any information about the classes will be great. I love learning new things..


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