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« Pastry Chef Conference, day 2, chef 2 | Main | sky. »

28 April 2007



I am so happy you are having this experience. Having been to conferences there before - including a little time at the first pastry conference they had. As usual you are capturing it perfectly and can't wait to hear more about it in person.
Bill Yosses is great. Always has a very interesting perspective on our business.

How did you find out about the conference and will they be having this again in the future? Us, baker-pastry chefs didn't know about it. But it sounds great and what's really great is that because you are telling everyone about it, more people will know. Also that it's great to netowrk with other pastry chefs in the industry all over.
Hope you are having a great time.

Misha. What can I say? it's all true. And does this mean I see you REAL SOON in person?!

I've heard about the conference before through the blogosphere. But this was the first year I was invited. I feel honored indeed.

if in the next couple of months is soon...indeed.

I love this feeling of being a fly on the wall of somewhere I would never get to fly otherwise. It would have been fun to be dining at Ad Hoc that night and seen you all exuberant. I would have enjoyed eavesdropping:-)

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