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« Edible San Francisco, Spring 2007 | Main | SF/Bay Area Baking Classes ~ photos update »

24 April 2007


That's really cool. I know his music.

Cam's a Gordon on his Mom's side, too. Maybe we're related :D

Maggie-- what an exciting comment. I always wonder who knows Ricky's work.

Anita-- Gordon is a post WWII changed name. My grandfather knew that to keep his overtly Jewish name it would threaten his livelihood...

um, he's one of my favorite contemporary composers. and you're RELATED to him.

I'm a graduate student at the University of Mississippi and I am singing many of Ricky Ian Gordon's pieces. I am also doing research on his pieces set to Langston Hughes text for my research project and possibly later dissertation work. I came across your blog after googling him! Does he have a website other way to contact him. Thanks so much for your time. Sincerely, Natalie

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