shuna lydon

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« Knife Skills Class: NYC June 21 | Main | May 20, 2007 Ice Cream Sorbet Class is Full! »

10 May 2007


Shuna, reading these posts is giving me a whole new appreciation for the kind of pressure a chef is under to produce those masterpieces that come out of restaurant kitchens. It sounds exciting, but also very intense.

I Recognize that kitchen...

To win a card game, or a dessert tasting, it is true that you need to be thinking all the time. You also need a little bit of luck, a dash of magic. After having gotten to know you Shuna, it seems obvious that you are pure magic. Keep you eye on the prize, let your hands do the rest.

Good luck with it, dont get too tired to think and make sure that at least one of them is nice and safe for the boring people!


Your comment is great news for people all over the world who toil away to make the foods and produce we put in our mouths, mostly without thinking. Thank you for speaking out.

Aaron. I'm blushing. But you always make me do so! Thank you sweet person!


Yes, don't worry. My menu reflects many aspects of me and those people I'm feeding on May 14 and beyond!

*It's all about finesse...*

Hmm, it's not the place I was thinking, which is good... 'cause I don't like that place :D

If you need tasters, let me know :D

PS: malt ice cream base? drool.

You are way too young to be playing Bridge. Good luck on your tasting.

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