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« Last Day in Portland. | Main | Summer 2007 Edible San Francisco Magazine »

18 July 2007


You are going to just die when you see Chicago - the architechture is stunning, to say the least. But I now know what you mean about Portland: what is there NOT to love? Driving westbound and coming over that last little hill in the highway before the city seems to languidly uncurl its stretched limbs towards the sky in a split second... What a happy little city! It makes me smile just thinking about it. Safe travels home, Shuna - and cheers to new beginnings! =)

You're going to be in Chicago?! When and for how long? It's only 3 hours from Madison... If you could only make it up here for Saturday market, you wouldn't be sorry! Probably not this trip, I know. I've been doing a little scheming of my own to figure out a way to get you here to teach. Can you send me an email with how many people I'd need to round up to make it feasible? Thanks!

chicago is a great town, esp in the spring when everyone comes out of hiding. i miss it. my fondest food memories from there are of beakfast.... have fun!
melissa xo

Breakfast at Bongo Room. Dessert at Hot Chocolate.

You are coming to Chicago???!!! Welcome!! (in advance!) Like many Chicagoans, I sure love this place and the food you can find here (Enough to justify all the exclamation points!!).

If there is anything I can help you with during your visit, please let me know.

I'd like to suggest a restaurant in Chicago.

Try to get a table at Schwa. Even if they answer the phone, they're booked for weeks, so walk over there and try to talk to them in the morning.

Here's a typical review:

And if you're a fan of Japanese cuisine, check out Sai Cafe on Sheffield or Rise near Southport. Both excellent sushi restaurants. Enjoy our lovely city!

Chicago Comments & Suggestions:

Thank you thank you thank you!
These are fantastic.
I will attempt to eat out in your fine city as much as time and expense will allow. I will not have a car and I will not be driving, but besides that nothing can stop me from exploring your fine & famous city.

Keep 'em coming...

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