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« Litquake 07, Eat at Bill's & Marusya Bociurkiw! | Main | Opening A Restaurant: faith. »

09 October 2007


The fig church with figs in it must be a glorious sight to behold. Thanks for a small peek and a gentle reminder.

As soon as I'm done with the current madness of my life (4 days and counting!) I will go. I promise...myself.

What beautiful words and pictures. We've been warned that Napa is totally loopy this time of year being harvest time and all. Is that true or is it a controlled chaos?

It took my moving away to college to realise the rest of the world doesn't have a specific Fall smell. This is the second time in a week I've thought about that, and considering I have a giant chip on my shoulder regarding the place, that's quite a feat.

(p.s. to Jenny-- this is the time of year the teenagers in the Valley like to play their favorite car game: Tailgate the Tourist. Wherein we get within scant inches of the tourists who are driving sloooowly dooown our twisty roooooads that we've been driving in tractors and pickups since we could reach the pedals.)

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