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19 October 2007


See me soon?

Next time I am in SF, for sure! First blush sounds totally like my kind of dessert!


Now you're just taunting me. I would like crunchy warm and soft and then sit very still for a few hours glowing.

After trying so many terrible desserts in San Diego I just want to be there already!

I went to a very well liked place for dinner recently and their creme brulee was eggy and curdled and their chocolate mousse was grainy. So sad. :( maybe that means there is room for me.

My partner and I celebrated our anniversary there last weekend, and it was wonderful. The food, the place, the waitstaff. We don't often go up to the city from the South Bay for dinner, but we were SO glad that we did. It was such a treat and turned out to be a really special evening.

All your work was well appreciated, so thank you for your inspiration and talent and skill!

By the way, the Warm & Sumptuous was indeed that, and SO delicious.

With some creative applications of Provigil you won't need AS MUCH sleep, but short of converting yourself into a robot the biggest stumbling block to human productivity will catch up to you eventually. :)

The dishes all sound amazing. I hope I get to go someday.

Man, next time I'm out in SF, I am THERE. I love your descriptions - sensations, tastes, and feelings all wrapped up in a nice little package. Go sleep, and dream of warm & sumptuous things.

i feel like i can just say "yeah" to this whole post...i'm coming in tomorrow for the new dessert, possibly with aaron but if not with a FH coworker!

and as for can do it when you're dead, yeah?

yeah...everything on that menu is good/amazing. simple flavors...that taste HUGE. again, thanks. we had a great time.

halen mon vanilla salt. le sanctuaire...they have the bigger cans of it.

Best wishes for success. Haven't been back to SF since moving away thirteen years ago, but if I do visit, I'm now determined to include Sens.

The picture with the review at 7x7 was intriguing. What's the topping on the honey-cumin pot de creme?


well I'm glad to be on your radar indeed! Please say hello if you come in...

There's a few things on top of the pot de creme: bee pollen, honey and Welsh vanilla sea salt.

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