Eastside wall-shelf.
I have finally been to Le Sanctuaire!!!!!!
If you live anywhere close or near to San Francisco, please go!
{Thank you Richie for being the best guide a cook could ever have.}
I thought it was going to be all about chemicals and crazy futuristic machines and "molecular gastronomy" and all of that stuff that made me feel like little ol me could never go because all I am is a sensualist in the kitchen and I don't think I wanna use crazy powders and machines that remind me of processing color film by hand and and and and
Le Sanctuaire is quiet and clean and mysterious but amazingly approachable and a wild alice-in-cook-wonderland adventure. I smelled and tasted and oohed and ahhed and then I spent way too much money on ingredients I had only seen but never been up close to.
I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait
to use them
Ok, I'm calm now.
Glad you made it to Le Sanctuaire. They are an incredible resource for chefs, cooks and, well people.
It is quite unfortunate that with this resource in your backyard, perception and rumor kept you away for so long.
As you have now discovered,Le Sanctuaire sells ingredients.
Last time I read cornstarch and flour were just powders, not crazy ones used in the kitchen.
Spices, vinegars and oils that are unknown or not used can seem daunting until they become part of our pantry.
And as you are a sensualist ingredients like gellan, methylcellulose and carrageenan should become part of your pantry as they allow for the creation of sensual textures without the dilution of flavor. Similarly, if we are talking of the senses, altering perception and appearance are both essential and exciting in creating deliciousness.
And now for the imagination...what is possible with a new resource of ingredients. It is, as you joyously describe, like finding a hidden treasure.
As cooks we must continue to remember that as soon as we build walls we forget to look over them.
Posted by: H.Alexander Talbot | 21 November 2007 at 09:01 AM
Oh, you had to *link*, didn't you? I'm in trouble now...
Posted by: Lori S. | 21 November 2007 at 11:43 AM
and where else can you look at those beAuTiFul European cookbooks!!! I always meet interesting people there too.
Posted by: Leif | 21 November 2007 at 06:10 PM
Yes, Jing and Alex will take care of you as well. Very detail oriented people who are driven on specifics as you are. Glad you have been Le Sanctuaired!
Posted by: roberto c | 24 November 2007 at 02:02 PM