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« Pastry Kitchen Portrait. III | Main | Caramel Cake: A Step-by-Step How To Tutorial »

17 November 2007


Oh, Shuna.. I'm so sorry. In trying to clarify what I meant the first time, I fear I have made things worse. I hope that we can talk about this in person (or on the phone) soon; I'm heartsick that what I thought was spirited debate has caused you any grief.

The remark you quoted above was definitely NOT meant to imply that I thought you were attacking diners or anyone else. But I'm going to stop before I write myself into a deeper hole...

Oh Jeeze Louise,
You are the Iron Chef of the Bay Area!!! You have the heart and the Soul of us all.

It's like Marco Pierre White said...when he goes out, he expects when the service/food is good, he gets to be pleasantly surprised.

"If I am to take responsibility for being thin-skinned and bratty, then so must you."


I just love this.

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