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31 January 2008


I have to say that I really need a cup of tea in the morning to get me started, and a cup of tea in the afternoon is so restorative, its unbelievable what I can do after that! My tea is strong english breakfast with milk and sugar in the morning and the occasional earl grey in the afternoon though.

I've had the odd try of a bit of wizz to keep me going at clubs when I was younger, and I'm pretty sure most of the time they just gave us caffeine! Its a pretty strong drug...

I cant tell if those are crumpets or muffins in the first picture but they look jolly good.

I too love tea, sometimes it feels benign, sometimes like a cult. This post though, reminds me that I want to try to make these:

Yes. Tea is my vice, too.

black tea is my one true addiction. I find it hard to start a day without it. But you know first hand how many gallons I can put away without batting an eyelid. DOn't you.

Just gotta have a cup of PG Tips upon waking and throughout the first hour or so of being awake. My mum came up on Monday and Tuesday morning I awoke to a perfect cup of tea made by another. What could be better? Is tea a vice now? C'mon....

What's your preference on the MF tea? I love the montagne d'or, the mayflower, and pretty much all of their earl grey varieties.

I know just what you're talking about with it's mood-enhancing effect. I am hyper-sensitive to caffeine and so can only have it about 3 times a week and therefore I really notice the mental effects. Very interesting.

My choice is loose Darjeeling with homemade almond milk and a drop of maple syrup : )

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