shuna lydon

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20 March 2008


Happy Birthday, Shuna.


This was the most beautiful birthday post I've ever read. Thank you for cheering up my day.


Yes indeed, my dear.

40 rocks, kicks the shit out of puddles and rocks in the way, dances in the kitchen, laughs out loud, and never fails to surprise.

41 ain't bad, either.

Thanks for being born, my dear. You took your time getting here, but here you are.

ooh!!! you like adidas too!!! happy birthday, once again! i'm glad that you are one of us who doesn't shy away and hides her age! there is something to be said about grace and serenity.

You are born under the fortune card of the 3 of Diamonds
You always know right from wrong though sometimes you may try to ignore what you know
powerful minds with a powerful voice to match
Always benefit from change and travel
Must learn the value of being consistent with your love and affections
have a better chance than most to achieve a happiness that is not dependent on things in the world going their way
Welcome to 40

am I the FIRST??? happy birthday, tempted to come meet you at Brown Sugar (I don't have meetings this morning) but anyway, you are those things and more, thank you for sharing your journey with me and then us...loveyou- holly, dana and claude

Happy happy birthday, Shuna! May your day -- and your year -- be filled with wonder, excitement, friendship, adventure, and cake!

Happy Birthday, Shuna!! I remember your birth vividly--it took most of the night!! What I remember best is, when I came back to the hospital in the afternoon and held you on my lap, all wrapped up and asleep, I looked at you, so pink and sweet, and I fell in love with you, I could feel it happening. And in the forty (!!) years since then, that love has only grown. You're a wonderful person, a wonderful woman, and a wonderful daughter!!

Happy Birthday Shuna! :-)

Happy Birthday!

I think I just fell a little bit in love with Brown Sugar Kitchen. Uh oh.

Happy birthday!

Happy "40" Shuna. (I'm right behind you...)

Happy "40" Shuna. I'm three weeks behind you... celebrating my turning of the page at your alma mater in Yountville. :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Eat lots of cake for me.

Happy Birthday! And its interesting about the synesthesia. Do you have it for lots of things or just numbers and colours?

Do I sense a minor obsession with Persephone? Maybe something you'll tell us about soon.
Happy birthday.


Happy birthday, and best wishes for a rewarding decade ahead!

happiest of birthdays! you are an inspiration.

Happy Birthday Shuna! May your 40's bring your much happiness and good eats too.



*insert raucous, rousing birthday singing*

happy, happy birthday, shuna deeear,
happy days will come to you all yeeear!
and if i had a wish then it would beeeeee-e-e-e....

holy mackerel, you're *4*0 today -- how completely fabulous! congratulations - you've just won another free trip around the sun. SCORE! =)

Happy Birthday, and Happy First Day of Spring, Shuna! *hug*

Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy 40 as much as I am. :)

Happy birth day, dear Shuna. It's so right that you're a just-spring baby. I'm a few weeks ahead of you into this fifth-decade business, but as of yet I have no wisdom to impart about it. :D

thank you for reminding me that I love the glyph "4". I've always felt that three/3 was my number, but the shape of the numeral 4 is so fabulous, especially in old or fancy typefaces. 3 feels so cozy, but 4 has this dynamic off-balance thing going. I'm going to try and keep that in mind when I blanch at the idea of being 40.

Happy Birthday!!

40+ does indeed rock. I also love the number 4 but mine is blue!

Mmm, this lovely post made me think back to what you must have looked like wrapped up in that toasty little blanket 40 Marches ago... I have the sneaking suspicion that your eyes were just as bright & lively as they are today.

Spring = You.

Happy happy.

bok bok, said the fish

Happy Birthday darlin!

Happy Birthday!

Happy, happy, happy, happy fortieth! What a gorgeous, life-loving post. I've got to disagree however, with whomever said to you, that at forty, there's no denying that you're young. Forty is young, it's just youth of a different sort. So take it all in, every single sweet, tangy, crisp, salty, smoky, bitter, sour, sexy, drop. Happy b'day. Lisa


Before I tell you how wonderful it is to be forty -- from a distance of years -- let me say I fell a little bit in love with your father for his beautiful tribute to your first day. Cherish that.

And cherish not just every year, but every day. Spring is a wonderful time to start a life and to keep one starting!

Happy Birthday!!!

Sorry you missed a great grillin' party.

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, Shuna!
It takes a long time to grow young.
- Pablo Picasso

Happy birthday, dear Shuna!

Happy Birthday Shuna. I thought your Dad's comments was so sweet too.

Happy Birthday! Here's to (at least) 40 more!

Still wrapping my head around the 40 thing. What's with the sagging skin and mystery aches when I'm not even a grown up yet? Congrats on the big milestone. It helps to repeat this mantra: What's the alternative? Embrace the fact that you're at home in your skin, and you no longer have to care how you look in a bikini.
Big fan of your blog, too.

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