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04 April 2008


When it rains it pours right? It's good to be busy though. It must mean something... Good for you!

I know where you're line cooking! Are you going to write about it in more detail? Your hints weren't so subtle that Brenda Starr couldn't track it down.

fresh biscuits...Blue Bottle...Blue Chair....yummy waffles

Happy to hear you are busy but ahppy. I love consulting and I love when I get to share the hot line with former colleagues! Hope you get some time for a breather soon :)

Waitaminnit. Are you working at BSK? I recognize that counter - I've eaten lunch there almost every day since I discovered the place. Freakin' AWESOME. I adore that place, and Tanya is doing great things for West Oakland.

Also had dinner at MONO last night. Dinner was OK, but the butterscotch pots du creme was killer. I'm sure you had something to do with that?

but do u love it?! Ask and if u say yes, u are so lucky and in a good place

Having recently eaten at the delicious place with the smoker, I have to tell you I was so impressed watching you all work in the kitchen: like some quiet Zen clockworks! Waiting for my food while sumptuous aromas pleased and teased, I studied the kitchen atmosphere-- so serene (and respectful) amidst the non-stop work in cramped quarters on view to all--no wonder the food is so good!
The t-shirt woman from Sacramento (aka Kitt)

Yes, consulting can be like freelancing and several other forms of self-employment -- if you're not careful, you end up working *all the time*, and that's not good for the soul.

But it sounds like your new second job is very good for the soul indeed.

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