**If you are looking for what classes I am teaching Right Now, click here.**
It's that time again, what many of you have been asking for-- more baking classes!
Come to understand the Whys as well as the Hows!
Two classes to tempt you, my pretties:
Saturday May 24, 2008
Chocolate: Techniques and Desserts for Baking with Cocoa & Chocolates
1-4 pm
Location: Paulding & Company Kitchen, Emeryville
*The assistant positions (2) for this class are taken.*
~ Chocolate & Cocoa come in a myriad of flavors and styles and the choices are overwhelming. When is Dutched cocoa appropriate and how should you treat Natural cocoa to bring out its best qualities? How should you melt chocolate without burning it? Allow me to turn you on to a favorite brownie recipe without any chocolate! Learn the secrets of my famous chocolate sauce... And walk away with recipes as versatile as a Versace jacket.
Saturday May 31, 2008
Seasonal Fruit Desserts: Strawberries, Cherries & Rhubarb!
1-4 pm
Location: Paulding & Company Kitchen, Emeryville
*The assistant positions (2) for this class are taken.*
~ The last day of May brings forth the beginning of California's gratuitous stone fruit season, field grown rhubarb and a continuing of America's best strawberries. Poach, dice, saute, puree, bake, gel, macerate, juice, freeze-- you name it. The possibilities are endless for desserts, salads and side dishes whose focus is perfectly ripe, fresh-from-the-market early summer fruits. Want to see what's been done in the past? Look at everything we ate at last year's Seasonal Fruit Desserts Class.
*There are 2 spots in each class reserved for "assistant" positions {in the baking classes} at $65 each. These positions are offered to those people who might not be able to afford the class otherwise. Please email me directly if you feel you qualify-- do not register at this price unless you've emailed me first. You will come early to set up and stay late to clean up. You do not need previous or professional experience.
Once I receive payment, your spot will be secured.
There's a direct Paypal link in Eggbeater's upper left hand column, right under the "What's Next? San Francisco/Bay Area Baking & Culinary Classes on the Horizon: A Calendar" link. If you prefer to send me a check, send an email and request an address. **Please be specific about which class you are signing up for.**
These classes will max out at about 15 people. Please check back here to make sure you're not paying for a class that is closed. If, for any unforeseeable reason the class needs to be canceled, you will be paid back in full minus whatever fees Paypal takes. There are no refunds.
Am I still not teaching what you'd like to learn? I take requests.
Not finding out about the classes in time? Email me directly to get placed on my private mailing list. I use it only for class announcements and I share it with no one, so no fear about hearing from anyone else but me.
Want me to teach in your city and state? Help me find a location and students and I promise to make the extra work worthwhile for you.
See you soon?
c o m e one, come a l l.
c o m e HUNGRY to L E A R N !
I'm just throwing this out there to all interested parties...
Getting the recipe for Shuna's Chocolate Sauce is enough of a reason to sign up for that class. All the other great things you'll learn...yeah...just a bonus.
Posted by: Aaron | 05 May 2008 at 02:25 PM