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« Cherry Pits: Poisonous? Edible? Usable Culinarily? | Main | MANGOS! Really Ripe! In Season, somewhere... »

23 May 2008


Most importantly, how does one pronounce NOYAUX? Noy-o? Never took high school French.

Megan, Yes, of course. Here's how I pronounce this French word: NWHY-o. ~ Shuna

Let's say I eat a bunch of cherries and want to hold the pits. I guess I gotta wash 'em first whether I'm holding them or not. Then the freezer? Or does that wreck 'em? How long do you figure I've got before it's time to make ice cream?

Alo David,

I figure you probably don't want to hold pits in freezer longer than 2 months. Although I have kept the actual interior kernels/ noyaux frozen for a long time, the scent does wane after a long spell. Wash them? I don't see why or why not, but of course it's up to you. ~ Shuna

Shuna, I never thought of using cherry pits. It sounds damn fantastic though.

Plus I have a couple of kilos of cherries waiting to be eaten. I'll make sure to save the pits.

Thankx you xxxxxx

Oh man, this sounds divine. Shuna, I haven't been this excited to make a new flavor of ice cream since I made pistachio gelato from Sicilian pistachio crema. Thank you!

I'm about to make this, but I have a question about the pits. Do I put in the whole crushed pit (broken outer hull and kernel), or just pick out the interior kernels? (If the latter, 1.5 cups is a lot, it is very fiddly!)


I wrote this amount to compensate for using the whole stone, inside and outside, because to pick each kernel out is indeed too much to ask. I am not Martha Stewart. I have picked each noyaux out but it is indeed a job for someone with great eyesight and an over abundance of OCD.

When you use that hammer, use force-- you really want the interior kernel to be smashed so it releases flavour. P.S. please check back in to tell everyone how it went for you, yes? Thanks! ~ Shuna

Thanks for your reply. I had not seen it by the time I had to move ahead, so I did pick out the noyaux. In seeing what you describe, I likely did not bash (or chop) them enough. Still, the flavor was quite evident after a 2-hour steep.

The ice cream was successful - it's gone - and the flavor was more than subtle, but not overpoweringly strong. I did find that the aftertaste was slightly unpleasant and lasted quite a while. Other people also noticed it, but did not find it to be unpleasant.

Thanks for an interesting recipe.

Scott! Thanks so much for taking the time to write back with your results. It is interesting what you say about the aftertaste because I mostly pair this flavor/component with other flavor/components so I know it has a strong aftertaste but I rarely only have that as my only aftertaste. I always say you have to absolutely love the taste of almond extract... So lad you made it. You're welcome. ~ Shuna

this is amazing. it is so so good. especially when i added in the cherries. This is the most sophisticated ice cream ever to leave my freezer. thank you.
my father is extremely impressed that i know how to infuse.

This comment made me so warm and happy. Thank you for taking the time to write it and tell me. ~ Shuna

My boyfriend and I picked about two gallons of ripe wild black cherries this summer (as well as a lot of other wild fruit). They were bitter, for the most part (it varied from tree to tree), and too small to pit, so we decided to make wine from them on the grounds that the cherries could be hand crushed instead of pitted.

Because it would help break down some of the cell structure (and because we needed to free up a primary fermentation pail), these cherries have been in the freezer for a couple of months or more now. We just took them out two days ago and put together the wine recipe. (By the way, with enough sugar, they taste incredible. I may make jam or syrup next year instead.)

Anyway, I happened across your website today after adding in my wine yeast. In a week or two, I'm going to have a pile of cherry stones. I was wondering if it would be possible to use the stones from these wine cherries as you have with your cherry stones or if the fermentation process of the fruit might have cause some harm to come to them?

For the sake of the wine, which is the main concern, I am not going to strain out the fruit and stones until I am ready to move the wine into secondary fermentation.

Just found this via tartelette.

Your cherry pit ice cream is pure genious! Can't wait to make it!

Have you considered the toxicity of the pits? There is quite some info on the net about that and I am kind of worried (the ice cream is already made and sitting in the freezer)...

hello Mat, please click on the links in this sentence, "See PART ONE here and PART TWO there" and you'll see there's QUITE a discussion on this very subject: it's all been covered already. Enjoy your ice cream! ~ Shuna

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