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« Caramel Cake, Cocoa-Buttermilk Cake and Yellow Cake O My! | Main | Shuna in London: the job that inhaled my life. »

02 December 2008


oh gorgeous!

I love faerie lights!


It helps to hide the CCTV cameras...


is this Islington near Camden Passage?
A homesick Brit in NYC

Judith! Yes-- very good eye! ~ Shuna

Because of your AMAZING BLOG, we recently found our way to "Flat White" in SoHo. not only was the coffee and nosh great, but the folks in there were wonderful, a very happy experience and place indeed. The fabric shoppes and street market were good fun too. We hale from California, but find ourselves in the UK a few times a year. Thank you Shuna for sharing your heart and soul. Good Luck with this new adventure.


Hello Leslie-- this is fantastic news! I love passing on good reccs and I'm glad you appreciate them. Thanks for your good words. ~ Shuna

I wanna be there walking arm in arm with you staring at the twinkling lights together, laughing and keeping warm as we can keep in that wet, wet cold.

Oh I'm so so so so so jealous!!!! It's my favorite time of year to be over there, and instead, I'm stuck in stupid Washington, DC. I know you are swamped with 10 billion things to do, but a Flickr set of Christmas in London (day and night) would make this girl's day!!!

Hope all is well.....

I love the stars!

I wish they would think to do that in Hollywood.

Thanks for the cool images, Shuna! I am especially fond of that second photo.


So do you live in England now or is it an extended visit?

Khalil, Who's asking? Or, it's relative isn't it? ~ Shuna

It's exciting! They even sell miniature christmas trees to fit in the miniature living spaces of the city. I went to pick one today!

Magic - don't you love it?

Thanks for writing when you are tired! It is a treat to know how you are and what is happening with you.

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