shuna lydon

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« Guinness, Ireland, Chocolate, Shamrocks & Soda Bread | Main | Guinness Chocolate Cake. {the easiest cake. ever.} »

15 March 2009


Only you could know, but it doesn't sound like my cup of tea - more like SPRINT, SPRINT, JUMP. Sounds exhausting!

Never wanted to be in such high-volume production, myself. Sounds a little terrifying, actually. My hat is off to you, definitely.

I like the way you write--you really do paint a picture with your words. And I certainly wouldn't mind leek-scented grissini or London's best English Muffin right now:)

Jenni, Strangely it's actually in massive production (although there are no machine done jobs-- we touch everything) that you really get to know intimately what's going on with baking. While I'm not one built for hotel work, this is just right. Learning & teaching consistency is a massive feat. It all starts with the 'Whys,' right? ~ Shuna

i'm still envious!

Fabulous... you've really captured the breathless scale of it. hope you're still having fun :)

Superb piece! Such good writing--clear, detailed, human, informative, and simply fascinating! Once started, I read it all in one gulp!! Fine work--in the bakery and at your keyboard!

This sounds exhausting! I like that the production is so huge, but still each piece gets a bit of love. I imagine you and a team of Oompa Loompas getting it all done, taking a little break now and again to do a little dance. Hairnets -- the great equalizer!

Fascinating stuff. In a way, that's how I feel, even though I'm still only at the school level (I'm a culinary school student) - that it is a private, little world, shrouded in darkness.

It's a nice feeling, isn't it? Sort of special.


You are awesome! Yours is the best food post that I have ever read and actually ever commented on. I can't wait to see what else is in your blog.

Don't tell Hermione I said this, but you need a few house elves!

Wow, that's pretty fascinating stuff! I've never seen anything like that sort of baking, so even though I knew that somewhere it must exist, now I can visualize it all a lot better.

Passion! and YES YES YES WORTH IT!!!
I am re-reading "Heat" again...

and I am holding your buttery hand many miles away...

I'm so very proud of you!
Every post leaves me breathless and smiling!

It's all so fascinating...

(and on a side note***I'd like to know how different the dairy tastes--compared to the States, specifically California...we've talked about how bland the dairy is here in Alabama...)

I love you mi pescado!


Love your glittery eye photo! What are those cakes with the lemon and pistacchios! Yum! Wish I was in London!

i know you are working your ass off. beautiful pics, beautiful posts. i admire what you are doing lady! and the sparkly eye shot is SEXY...

it does sound like an amazing, albeit exhausting, experience (which are often the best kind)

Shuna, Wow I'm tried just reading about that, I think you need to think about putting some of that energy you have in a bottle and marketing it! I don't know how you do it. Impressed as I always am with you, I can see you taking on a challange like your now involved in. I can see you diving in head first and I can only see you being an asset to the organization =) I call it an organization because it sounds soooooooo top secret=)

Okay my only question is this...Do they really count "One Mississippi..." over there?????? I would think it be more like, "One Buckinghamshire, two buckinghamshire" keep up the great work..stay safe ~A~ndy

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