shuna lydon

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« Guinness Chocolate Cake. {the easiest cake. ever.} | Main | eggbeaters beware. »

20 March 2009


Many happy returns Spring baby!

What a great day to be born on. First day of Spring. Like a cherry blossom and a ray of sunshine right? Happy birthday Shuna!

I love the London foxes! This is a beautiful Spring birthday card for your friends and admirers. Happy birthday SFL. Your package is in the mail.

That sweet, sweet face. It is yours. I love it. I cherish it. Things are breaking open all over the place here. And I am too. I thank you for reminding me that breaking open is a good thing, change too. Breaking open is a bit messy, but apparently it's suppossed to be.

happy happy day!
this time last year we were making fish tacos in dave's kitchen!!!
take yourself out and treat yourself to something silly and inappropriate!!! i'm sending a pic of cherry blossoms i picked in my yard last night.

(a birthday on a new continent brings a prosperous and delicious year to come....)


happy birthday, dear Shuna. Wish we could give you a basket full of bergamots this year :)

Happy Spring and Happy Birthday to you, Shuna.

I am loving hearing about your London adventures.

Your mom was so pretty. I know you miss her still ((gentle hugs)). And of course you were (and are) a cutie pie.

Happy Birthday! Glad spring is here for you. For some reason we have fog today, but I really cant complain!

Happy birthday! Spring seems to be taking a little longer to get the the Bay Area...hope it's not as late as you were!!

Happy Birthday! All the images were beautiful.

Shuna - a very happy birthday to you! Hope you have a lovely celebration!

Well, happy, happy birthday.

Your pictures are precious.

The one of you and your mother takes my breath away.

The other one makes me smile.

And today it has been difficult to smile because New York is suffused with grief over the death of the beautiful Natasha Richardson and the pain of her dashing husband, lovely boys, and powerful mother.

I daresay London is the same.

But your birthday. Now THAT'S something to celebrate.

Happy Birthday, and all the best on this First Day of Spring!

In a few minutes I will walk home from work dodging some rain drops and marvelling at how beautiful the ocean, the trees and the mountains are...


Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday dear Shuna,
hope your wishes come true.

Shuna - loved the post and the photographs are absolutely beautiful. Hope you had a wonderful birthday, looking forward to seeing you very soon. kxx

Happy birthday Shuna!!

Happy, happy birthday, Shuna! How lovely to be born on the first day of Spring.

Happy birthday Shunebug.

I got a pastry chef job! I started on Monday (hired Sunday night the day we last spoke.)

It's an American restaurant so I'm making apple pie everyday, layer cakes, and crisps.

It's easy and fun and I'm using a lot of your recipes from this site.

Wish you a great year....may you accomplish all your economic, emotional and health goals...

Happy birthday, shuna!!!

Happy belated birthday, Shuna! You share a birthday with two of my close friends who share your creativity/intelligence. Spring is my favorite season, so I love this is post.

What a wonderful day for a birthday! Happy Birthday! It sounds like you're out of the gate and hurtling toward some delightful days ahead.

Love the pictures, especially the second one. So cute! Hope you had a great day.

A very happy birthday to you!

happy birhtday!

it was my sister's as well

I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Thank you for your posts and the lovely pictures that you share with us. I hope that this year brings you much joy and happiness.


Happy belated Birthday Shuna! I hope it was full of smiles!

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